Our Sustainability Roadmap

Our Basic-Fit sustainability roadmap commits towards contributing to a fitter world and making a sustainable impact for future generations. Our ambitions are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and our ‘Go for a fitter world programme’ which was launched in 2021.

SustainableDevelopment Goals

The United Nation's Sustainability and Development Goals (SDGs) are a roadmap to a more environmentally and socially conscious and responsible world by 2030. Our mission and purpose are closely aligned with five of these SDGs: good health and well-being, decent work and economic growth, quality education, gender equality, and responsible consumption and production.

go for a fitter world programme

In 2021 we launched our ‘Go for a fitter world programme’, representing our long-term ambitions. These ambitions are reflected in the three pillars below.

Fitter people also means a safe environment to exercise and work in. We do our best to ensure the clubs are a safe place for all our members, but also that our workforce is well trained and diverse. Providing growth opportunities for our employees, both in the clubs and in our offices, is also crucial for us.

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Fitter planet is linked to our ambition to minimise the negative impact of our activities on our planet and more specifically to reduce our carbon emissions.
This means reducing our CO2 emissions to zero for scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 2030. Basic-Fit's scope 1 emissions come from burning gas for heating or showers in our clubs and at our headquarters. Scope 2 emissions are linked to the energy that we purchase. Beyond our main focus on emissions, we also work to address other environmental issues, such as initiatives to keep reducing our use of water.

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Fitter communities focuses on our impact on the communities we operate in. This involves improving the health of these communities by increasing the levels of exercise in young people's lives. We believe that fitness has a positive effect on society. Our efforts focus especially on those who lack the opportunity to exercise, whatever their background or ability. Since 2020, we have been working with organisations that run dedicated programmes to support children and young adults. Healthy communities also means that we promote responsible behaviour among our business partners. For instance, we encourage our suppliers to reduce their environmental footprint and create a respectful work environment for their employees.

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Our mainPartners


With our main partners, we support the younger generation in their learning process through sports and help young adults to acquire professional skills. We support our partners both financially and through employee volunteering or professional advice. Some of the ways our employees can get involved in corporate sponsorship are by sharing their skills and experience, giving advice about nutrition or training, and organising free group classes. In the coming years up to 2030 we aim to invest a total of €5 million in our communities through impactful partnerships.

The Johan Cruyff Foundation


The Johan Cruyff Foundation supports and develops impactful sports projects all around the world. Together we focus on children and youngsters for whom sport  isn’t a guaranteed part of their lives. 



Sport2Be wants to restore equal opportunities and allow young people in difficulty to further develop themselves. Together we act as a springboard by accompanying them, in their education, their orientation, and their beginning into active life. 

Sport dans la Ville


Sport dans la Ville supports young people from low-income neighbourhoods on their way to success. Through sports, we together transmit important values for their personal development and their professional integration.

Sustainability Reporting



Our material topics are identified in conjunction with our stakeholders and reflect our most significant impacts. The most highly ranked topics are covered in our annual report, namely: Health and safety, Member experience, Employee recruitment, retention and development, Growth in clubs and members, and Environmental management. 



We have identified six main stakeholders, three of which are in our own value chain, namely employees, members and suppliers, and three of which operate outside our own value chain, namely investors, government bodies and local communities. 



We track our progress toward our long-term ambitions with a series of indicators that we started reporting in 2021. We keep reviewing the relevance of these indicators for future reporting and exploring other indicators than can also be valuable.

More detailed information on our sustainability roadmap and how we work to achieve our goals can be found in the Basic-Fit Annual Report. Basic-Fit’s annual report is drawn up with reference to the new GRI Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative. See GRI Content Index in the Annual Report. Our policy statements can be found on our Corporate Governance webpage.